Earth is a single planetary-scale ecosystem, and changes in one part of that system will inevitably affect the whole system to one degree or another.
Month: December 2020
On the boundary between science and myth
Post 4- “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli, and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli, and beyond The formation of hypotheses is the imaginative phase of the scientific process – The unimaginable archetypes constantly recreate and reconstruct what the cosmologist Read More…
Moulins, meltwater, and a disappearing ice sheet
These ice-caves are part of a large hydrologic system moving meltwater from the ice sheet to the ocean. But they can also destabilize individual glaciers that make up the ice sheet.
Chemotons and early life
Life is not simply proteins, lipids, and DNA. Life only arises when these components join up in the right configuration.
2050 and 2035: Failure and Hope for the Climate Crisis
The climate crisis arrived at our doorsteps with unexpected rapidity and vigor. Events foretold for 50 years from now are unfolding long before their predicted time.
Models of the universe as a whole
Post 3 – “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli, and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli, and beyond Contemporary cosmology is engaged in a historical process of building models, i.e. formulations of a-priori hypotheses, invented, imagined, which tend to approach, without Read More…
The archetype: ordering factor, formative principle of the universe
Post 2 – “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli, and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli, and beyond The “neither/nor” and the “both-at-once” prevail in the psychophysical background – Articulate various levels without ever confusing them – The archetype – The Read More…
The roots of scientific knowledge
They revived the metaphysical notion of a unus mundus from medieval alchemy, a “one world” in the background of the empirical universe.
Global Warming on Autopilot
Stopping all that momentum takes science, planning, and collaboration. So why did we leave the Paris Agreement on November 4th, 2020?
Charge That Baby Up
The rise of the EV (Electric Vehicle) is forcing a change. The new MPG is Kilowatt-Hours Per 100 Miles or ‘kWh/100.’