Walking on Rockaway

Walking on Rockaway

Art at ArcheanWeb: Part of the West Coast Shoreline Series

Rockaway Beach is tucked in along the Oregon Coast just north of the town of Tillamook. Several miles of wide, sandy beaches provide a backdrop for relaxation, and beach walking is a local pastime.

The artwork “Walking on Rockaway” captures a northward looking view along Rockaway Beach emphasizing the unique space where the mountains, beaches, sea, and sky intertwine into a calm, beautiful scene on a slightly overcast, hazy day.


This piece of art is available as giclee prints on paper or on canvas. High-resolution versions of the image above are used in the printing process and the copyright watermark is removed.

Fine art giclee prints are available through Geo Galleries. The artwork is available in the following sizes:

  • 18″ by 24″ canvas
  • 18″ by 24″ print – framed and matted

Follow the link below for details on the giclee products:

Link to Geo Galleries

Decorative Art through Etsy

  • 16″ x 20″ Wall Panel

Link to Etsy

Feature Image: Walking on Rockaway by WM House (Copyright Archean Enterprises, LLC 2021. All Rights Reserved)

William House
William is an earth scientist and writer with an interest in providing the science "backstory" for breaking environmental, earth science, and climate change news.