
The universe and the soul of the world

Post 8 – “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond When light and matter are decoupled, the multiple appears. The opacity that encompassed the entire universe allows multiple germs to emerge. These are Read More…


The universe is self-produced through opposites

Post 7 – “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond Matter and information supersede each other in a generating loop that continually regenerates the universe within its own organization. Over time, everything that exists Read More…


From the dialectical work of forces to the archetype of Three

Post 6 – “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond Imperturbable sculptors and gardeners of the universe, the fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetic, and nuclear) shape a quadruple ternary structure. Representation of forces Left: remote action. Read More…


From cosmological models to the archetype of Four

Post 5 – “Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond …” Authored by Alain Negre Access the Synopsis: Towards an enantiodromic approach to the universe. Jung, Pauli,​ and beyond The contemporary cosmological model is based on the idealized space of physics. The concepts of qualitative physics (emergence, attractor …) allow for the Read More…