Art from the City

The Cities and Towns Series

Urban spaces can be drab and harsh, but they can also interact with nature to provide beautiful combinations of architecture set against natural beauty.


Nyhavn by WM House, ©2021 Archean Enterprises, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Copenhagen is a harbor city thriving at the crossroads of two seas. Travel east, and the waters open into the Baltic sea. Westward lies the North Sea. Nestled in the old city’s historic waterfront district (Nyhavn) are short canals that terminate in the heart of the city. Water, sky, ships, and architecture mingle together, and captured in the late evening light, they create a striking scene.

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Fused Glass Magic

Fused Glass Magic
Fused Glass Magic by WM House

Art within art is the only reasonable way to describe the blown glass ceiling of the Chihuly Bridge at the Tacoma Museum of Glass. The ceiling itself, when first viewed, is almost overwhelming. The sheer volume and extent of blown glass borders on chaos—a twisting, color-filled panorama, which is impossible to decipher in a single view. As you walk along, looking upward through the glass ceiling, individual panels become more orderly, and the chaos subsides into a wonderland of vibrant color and flowing forms. Photos of the ceiling allow the three-dimension artwork from individual panels to collapse into two-dimensional images. Fused Glass Magic is a study of color and form.

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