The climate change conundrum is a difficult puzzle to solve.
Vote for your priorities
Combating the climate crisis: The Democratic Party Platform
If climate change is important to you, read the party platforms and vote.
Climate Change: Republican Platform provides a blast from the past
Nothing new has happened since 2016?
Electricity, a pressure point for mitigating climate change (Part 2)
Mitigating climate change must come through the ballot box.
Environmental Economics: America’s dam problem
The economics of pollution are often based on a cost-transfer mechanism.
Pandemic planning: A triumph of ideology over science, and a failure of leadership
COVID-19 shows how ignoring science leads to disaster
King tides, bringing reality home
King tides force coastal residents to view climate change close up
A dose of realism in environmental research
Global warming of 3 degrees Celsius is a most likely case.
Climate change and surface water
Climate change will expose vulnerabilities in the way we access surface water.
Tree planting as a carbon sequestration plan
Planting a trillion trees is a talking point, not a real plan.