Art at ArcheanWeb: Part of the Columbia River Gorge Series
Along the western perimeter of the Cascade Mountains, where Washington and Oregon meet, the Columbia River tumbles out of a narrow gorge. Basalt cliffs tower thousands of feet above the river on either side. A battle, fought over millions of years, left the River as the victor as it sliced through the rising Cascade Mountains. The river has traveled across vast reaches of the American West and Canada. Its final journey to the Pacific Ocean starts as the river water rushes westward from the narrow gorge.
For visitors traveling east into the Gorge, Crown Point rises on the Oregon side of the River, like a sentinel guarding the passage. Atop the cliff sits the Historic Vista House. There, visitors are treated to a panoramic view of the Gorge. An eastward view takes in the River cutting down into living rock. The westward facing vista watches the River expand as it flows into the lowlands on the final leg of its journey.
The artwork “Crown Point” catches the southern edge of the Columbia River below purple cliffs. Vista House’s rounded top peeks out from its perch on top of Crown Point. Below, along the river bank, the land sweeps northward into the edges of Rooster Rock State Park.
The original work is 30 inches by 24 inches at a resolution of 100 ppi.
This piece of art is available as giclee prints on paper or on canvas. High-resolution versions of the image above are used in the printing process and the copyright watermark is removed.
Fine art giclee prints are available through Geo Galleries.
Link to Geo Galleries
Decorative Art through Etsy
Link to Etsy
Printing in different mediums and sizes is available for some artwork:
Feature Image: Crown Point – Part of the Columbia River Gorge Series – by WM House (Copyright Archean Enterprises, LLC 2021. All Rights Reserved)