Earth’s Devonian trees altered the climate and landscape, creating new dynamics for the world’s food webs and providing vast new ecological niches for evolution to fill.
Tag: Trees
Tree Rings Record History
Tree rings tell us stories worth listening to, warning us how the future of 40 million people is affected by the same fate that befell the Anasazi because, without water, there is no life.
Managing Ecosystems, Adapting to Climate Change
Aiding our existing ecosystems as they transform to a warmer world is the first priority for adaptation. Planting trees is trendy, but managing ecosystems is smart.
Let’s Not Focus on Planting Trees
We can’t plant our way out of climate change.
Climate Change Gets Personal
Climate change is getting personal, and calls for action are increasing, but in true form, many of us believe someone else will make the sacrifice to solve our climate dilemma. All politics is local, so make climate change adaptation a priority and vote for candidates who want to solve our problems, not hide from them.
Heat and trees: The forests of the future
Heat from climate warming forces changes in forest ecosystems. Managing those changes is vital.
Tree planting as a carbon sequestration plan
Planting a trillion trees is a talking point, not a real plan.